Thursday, July 29, 2010



I think I just summed it up pretty well.

Friday, July 16, 2010

All I want is a place in your dearest memories

Thats all I want from a friendship.

(but not just for the past. keeping the friendship on going is important too, so we can create more lovely memories)

Monday, July 12, 2010

the past 1month.

I can't say it's productive because I've been doing a lot of school/family related stuff.

No Personal projects were done, no photo shoots.
Barely shot any photos. That roll of Provia400X in the film camera still stood at frame number 6.
Even if I did shot any photos with my EOS40D, it's just those normal crappy everyday life photos that people shoot with their cheap point & shoot camera.

There is just no inspiration right now.

All I wanna do is get this moving thing finished, get things ready, and then start a new chapter in Chicago.

Yes I do still have old ideas about some photoshoots, but I don;t think I'm able to do it in this situation. I'll save it for later. "Please come back again."

So brooke's wedding might be my biggest project thats going to happen recently.
Even so thats not really a project, oh well.

hmm. Hope things progress when I get to Chicago.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

It's travel time in the summer again

It's becoming quite an habit now,
summer is when I travel the most.

Tuesday I booked my plane flight to Texas for Brooke and Tanner's wedding. July22-26.

Wednesday I booked my plane flight along with Roxanne to attend Collette and Travis's wedding. July30-Aug1st.

My parents told me today they found the place we're moving in down south in San Diego suburb area.

Dad's gonna work close to the San Diego Navel Station.

So I got my bike back, my sweet ride. But he's so busted by the Hawaii weather. Oh well. No worries. I'm gonna get you a new pair of brakes, grips, chain. And we can go on our joy ride once again.

I found that packing up all the stuff for moving, in certain terms, is quite annoying. I mean, how much stuff do I have to sort and pack? How much addresses do I have to change? definitely more than all my finger+ toes.

Yeah, living in Chicago ain't going to be too cheap. Thats why I just finished filling out my FAFSA.
Oh Well.

Now my journey can expand to the east/central part of the States, other than just the west coast. Sounds like good progress. Maybe even Canada.

It's gonna be fun from now on.