Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sprits and Conversations

I have to admit, for the past week, I've been visiting bars quite frequently.
Some beer, some high bar drinks with popcorn, and with all that comes with come great conversations with other people.

 To be honest, it's a bit pricy, 3 dollar a drink is the cheapest I can find so far.
But had a few great conversations and meeting news friends.

Got smoked by people who smoke, eh, somehow I'm use to it. But cloths stink like heck when I got home.

Still trying to find a place for escape from all this urban/modern crap....
Seems like the city just never ends....

I dream like a back yard with a small hill and all grass plain .....

Or like the hundred acred woods in Christopher Robin's backyard, not all this concrete and metal.


I sill have yet to start on my application essay......

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

I love the Hundred Acre Woods. :)