Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I'm just not that good with coming up random idea's

So stop judging me that I lack with creativity!

It's almost like a disability now.

I'm product of asian education culture/philosophy.(Don’t question/obey the teacher/repeat what he says)

Pretty much I'm just making an excuse of myself not being that creative.(But it's the truth though)

Still if you get me something established, I can give you thousands of idea’s of how to improve it.(that might be the only good thats left in me)


Gab said...

D'aww. Poor little asian boy.

Anna Banana said...

It's okay ting.
I'm a product of american philosophies/ ideas.
Meaning: I think I can be anything, so instead I do nothing

collette charles said...

:) ting we like you how you are