Monday, May 18, 2009

Broke again

I went bankrupt again.

(Which is something I haven't done in a while)

This time for the ticket to go down to San Diego to visit Alex during Memorial 3 Day weekend.

It took me a while to make this big decision. to go broke again.
I mean, what else can I do rather than traveling during this awful long summer?
So travel it is.

May 22nd Friday, Jet blue $129

May 26th Tuesday, Southwest Airlines $59

I'll make it total as $200

I wish both the tickets were $59.....

Oh, yeah I forgot to mention this, I also spent another 100 bucks on film again.
Cause I used all my remaining ISO/ASA 100 color reversal film during Chelsea's visit, like two rolls of them?
Since I'm low on film already, so spending that money basically is inevitable for me.

(I hate using my EOS40D these days....)

3 rolls of Fujichrome Velvia100
3 rolls of Fujichrome Provia100F
3 rolls of Fujichrome Astia100F
and a Canon EW-83 II LENS HOOD for EF20-35mm f/3.5-4.5 USM

plus 2 day shipping(so that I will get it before going down to San Diego...)

So I'm so broke now. till June.

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

I'm out of money too.. as you know. :) But I start working on Monday! Yay!