Sunday, June 14, 2009

drain of inspiration

it's kinnda weird these days that I just don't know what to write.

Kinnda weird. It's always been easy for me to make up some crap easily.

Maybe just because life has been kinnda doh these days.

- Just met a girl in my mandarin class, the name is Ms. Fan, Alice Fan.
Born here, but her family's from Shanghai.
She's a awesome photographer, I mean, quite talented. And has excellent Photoshop skills.(I hate photoshop. lol)
here's her flickr

She does really great self portraits, and all those shots.

-Trouble on my final portfolio for my exploring visual expression class, just trouble. (I'm never good at putting things together.)

-Still can't decide how long will I stay in Texas this summer visiting April and Brooke. I'm either staying till the 11th or the 18th. The final decision will be made after my dad's coworker/family friend of ours tells me will I have a chance to get a job in LA this summer. Wish the ticket price doesn't soar too high before I order it

whats else? hmmmmmmmmm....

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