Sunday, December 13, 2009

Packing up birthday cakes

Week one back in cali: work sleep work sleep.

So far I logged in 23.8 hours of work for this week.
That translate into 202.3 dollars of income before tax withholding and Social Security.

Tomorrow is the first day of the new week, Sunday, and I gotta work from 3:30 to 8:30.
This up coming week I'm scheduled to work 34 hours. Four 5-hour days and two 7-hour days.
I get Monday off,(I need to pick up my camera resume the picture snapping business).

I'm still not sure will I get to take a week off to go to Salt Lake City.(Very unlikely, I'm sorry Collette, Matt)
But I heard I get paid double on Christmas. (Dang, we still gotta work?!)

To be honest, I'm really enjoying this winter weather here in Cali.
I know that everyone hates the cold here on the mainland, but I loved the fact I can dress up and feel warm and not sweat. Walking outside, the chill breeze on my face, the refreshing cold air. You never get that in Hawaii.(How ironic!)

Somehow I'm having a crazy sleep schedule now: Head to bed at 4:30am. Wake up at 12:00pm
Mostly it's cause by my evening work schedule. And I just hang on to the computer for too long.

I paid $439 bucks for a speeding ticket in Spetember that I had to go to court in Firebaugh, two hours south from home.
The judge was nice, he lowered the charges from Speeding 100+mph to speeding 70+mph. Still I had to pay $350 for that ticket, $25 for correcting the missed insurance card when I got pulled over, and $64 for the Traffic School Administration fee.
California traffic tickets is totally rape comparing with other states traffic law. Ugh. Blame it on the liberals. HA

Btw I'm debating should I fix my hair a bit after all this craziness?
Especially the bangs, which are getting a bit annoying, you think?

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