Monday, December 22, 2008

the best things I love about traveling with airplanes, part 2

So....I'm on a flight again. Today.
the flight is on 10:40am.
It's 3 am right now.
This time I'm on my way to Los Angles.


My family were going on cruise trip
So today we were going to drive down to LA to board the cruise.
We got six people here.
It started as my dad were going to drive me and my brother and sister to a friends house last night.
But the Sienna didn't want to start up.
The engine warning light was on.
The only car left we had is the Scion Xd.
Could only fit 5 at most.
But we had 6.(plus my cousin)
Renting a car is way too crazy expensive.

And my parents didn't want to risk the chance to get caught by the cops and getting fined cause of overloading.

So they sent me to take the plane since I'm the only child is old and experienced enough to take a plane on my own.(My cousin didn't want to waste money on the ticket.)


Southwest Airlines.

And we ordered the ticket.

My dad paid for it.


I get to have Burger King for breakfast tomorrow morning!!!


(I've been carving it for a while, since the day I left Hawaii...)

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