Saturday, July 10, 2010

It's travel time in the summer again

It's becoming quite an habit now,
summer is when I travel the most.

Tuesday I booked my plane flight to Texas for Brooke and Tanner's wedding. July22-26.

Wednesday I booked my plane flight along with Roxanne to attend Collette and Travis's wedding. July30-Aug1st.

My parents told me today they found the place we're moving in down south in San Diego suburb area.

Dad's gonna work close to the San Diego Navel Station.

So I got my bike back, my sweet ride. But he's so busted by the Hawaii weather. Oh well. No worries. I'm gonna get you a new pair of brakes, grips, chain. And we can go on our joy ride once again.

I found that packing up all the stuff for moving, in certain terms, is quite annoying. I mean, how much stuff do I have to sort and pack? How much addresses do I have to change? definitely more than all my finger+ toes.

Yeah, living in Chicago ain't going to be too cheap. Thats why I just finished filling out my FAFSA.
Oh Well.

Now my journey can expand to the east/central part of the States, other than just the west coast. Sounds like good progress. Maybe even Canada.

It's gonna be fun from now on.

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