Monday, March 9, 2009

third person perspective self joking is funny

so I while writing postcards tonight

I went to ask for April for her address on MSN.

She start being emotional.

It was just some words that made me felt warm.

this is one part of the conversation:

Ting Shen: cause I realy want to have a life time good friend
Ting Shen: but
Ting Shen: I never had the chance to have one
Ting Shen: cause I was always moving
Ting Shen: not always
Ting Shen: but moved in the worng timing
April: yeah
April: well you have one now
April: she just sucks at keeping in touch
Ting Shen: lol
Ting Shen: you
April: but will always care and try my best to be there for you
Ting Shen: third person perspective self joking is funny
April: yeah
April: lol

thats what friends are for.

I miss you april.

I miss you all, my friends in Hawaii.

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

I miss everyone too... :( Don't we have the greatest friends. Dead Tree is the best. I'm so happy we're blogging buddies Ting Ting. Miss you a lot.