Tuesday, September 22, 2009

so its all about selling moon cakes.

Just got on this job for not long.

I started this job with the preparation of quitting it 3 weeks later.

To support my voyage to hawaii.

And yet everyday on work I think about how bad I will feel for me too quit this job I just gotten used to and starting to master.

And yet every second on work I think when can I leave this place and head back to hawaii.

This could have been a good chance for me to really establish something here in Cali.
But too late for regretting, I've already withdraw my classes in De Anza college, paid my deposit and rent in hawaii, and about to order my ticket to hawaii.

I think of hawaii as the place that would fix the problems in my life.
But will it really be like that?
I can't say it will ultimately solve it, but at least temporally.
Sounds like I'm running from my problems huh?
I do admit.

Hawaii was a heaven to me.
the best Friends that I loved, and they loved me back(I suppose..). the sunshine, the beach(although I don't go there that much), the nice people, the art nights, the hugs, the McDonalds on Sunday, the bike riding in the rain(kinnda scary), the hanging out, the late night chats on the bench, the run to Chevron for snacks at 3am. Just everything.

You can't deny it's not heaven.

I do know that I can't stay in hawaii for too long. I have a life to get on track. People will eventually leave.(some might) My photography education in Chicago. My dreams(do I even have one?) And all the responsibilities that I have to fulfill. All the places I have to go.(Plus all the money I have to earn) All the friends that I'll have to visit across the US. Europe. The bronx, Yankees Stadium.

So as I'm daydreaming. A customer comes by, my mind sucks back to real life. I'm standing at the bakery in the chinese market selling moon cakes at this month of September, and hawaii is 2 weeks and 3 days away.

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