Thursday, June 4, 2009

there was a song


a song that I found on iTunes

which happens to be the Matt & Kim

album: Grand

"Lessons Learned"

gave me a couple wonderful days and nights.

the whole Utah/Texas trip is also done planning and the tickets.
Now I just have to buy the ticket to go back home, and we're all set for adventure.

Here's the deal:
If you believe in God, believe him hard.
If you don't, just believe in yourself.
Either way, you gotta believe, cause if you do, there is always the chance higher than 0%, even it's 0.001%.(Cause things like 0.001% always happens, you never know)

Don't use him(I mean God) as the excuse or the purpose of your life.
He gave you life, gave you a chance to be something, with meaning.
Don't blame God if things didn't happen, cause he already gave you the chance. You know He always work things in weird ways.

Either way, if anything happens, you just gotta suck it up, cause it's your life.

Does these words even make any sense to you?

Ha I'm agnostic and I'm talking all this shit.


Collette said...

hahahahahahahahahaha ting i love when you swear! and this is beautiful. i love you

Tingler said...

are you encouraging me, collette?