Saturday, April 25, 2009

the Price for Peace


Thats can be an option only if the people we're dealing with are rational and understanding.
(Which most of the time, they are not: the Japanese Empire in WW2, Adolf Hitler, Osama Bin Liden?)

If you want peace, there's always a price.

People who think world peace is achievable, who believe that diplomatic can solve all issues? they are naive.


Those people never know who was the ones that sacrificed their blood and soul to defend our country.

They think the military is bull crap. Cause they themselves did not pay the price to enjoy the peace we have now.

The fathers and sons of our country paid the price for us.
We should never forgotten that.

If there were nobody that wants to attack us in the first place, why should we have a military?

You cannot talk peace with a bully.

We're lucky we don't have to put our own lives in risk to live normally.
the G.I.'s devoted their lives for us.
But we should be grateful, never slacken to watch our backs, and not to forget what is the price.

Especially the countries who potentially will be a threat to us.

We should never be too aggressive ourselves, but a loosen attitude will only give the other a chance to attack us.

So never talk peace if you don't know what the price is.

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